Wanted: Test readers (native and non-native) for English project

Hallo ihr Lieben, für mein englischsprachiges Projekt suche ich dringend Testleser (Muttersprachler und Leute mit sehr guten Englischkenntnissen). Die Details findet ihr im untenstehenden Text. Falls die Kriterien nicht auf euch zutreffen, ihr aber jemanden kennt, der jemanden kennt, der jemanden kennt … bitte, bitte leitet diesen Post weiter! Ihr helft mir damit sehr!

The following text is in English.

My English project, officially running under the working title “The Project which may not be named”, has reached a stage at which it requires a second iteration of test reading before I dare to undertake any further steps. Thus, I’m searching for willing test readers fulfilling the following criteria:

  • You are either a native speaker, or are currently living/have lived in an English-speaking country for at least a couple of years or have a university degree in English.

  • You are an experienced test reader.

  • You are able to express your criticism politely.

  • You are an honest and trustworthy person.

  • You love epic fantasy.

If none of these criteria do apply to you, but know a person who might be capable and willing to do this job, please share and forward this announcement!

The story has been revised twice and read and analysed by three test readers in between, hence there shouldn’t be any horrifying content and lingual errors. Now, for test reading iteration No.2, I require a more detailed analysis including a full and thorough language check to wipe out the embarrassing mistakes I no doubt make as a non-native speaker.

I’m also looking for 1-2 alpha readers to support my current crew and to cover a preferably broad spectrum of feedback. This job doesn’t require perfect English skills, but you should be familiar with the language and enjoy reading books in it. It would be a nice bonus if you possess an analytic mind and an affinity for at least one of the following topics: politics, psychology, history, strategy/warfare and science.

The story is about 200,000 words which hits the size of a thicker fantasy book.*

Knowledge of any of my German stories is not required.

Any advice beyond test reading is highly appreciated.

You can start as soon as I’ve finished the current revision which will be around early May.

What you can expect in return

Being a poor software developer and owner of two cats permanently on the verge of starvation, I can give you nothing but honour, glory and the chance of contributing to something amazing. If you’re a writer yourself, I offer to test read your novel and to give writing advice.

How to apply

Not scared off yet? Great! Then contact me via sonea.von.delvon@gmail.com and specify to which of the above mentioned jobs you apply. If we don’t know each other yet, please write a few lines about yourself and your expertise/qualities. Please don’t send me personal data like address etc. or a professional CV. If you’ll make it to the shortlist, I will fill you into the details of the project. After that, and if you’re still willing to do this job, you will be sworn into secrecy and receive an excerpt so we both can see whether this is going to work for us.

* e.g. Mistborn – The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson or The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch

Mir ist bewusst, dass diese Suche mit einer weitgehend deutschsprachigen Fanbase schwierig ist, aber ich gebe die Hoffnung nicht auf, dass sich ein paar Freiwillige finden, die Lust haben, an etwas richtig, richtig Coolem mitzuwirken.